Mr. S

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thing #22: Keepin' it together: LiveBinders.

The title of my binder is educational tools.  I have three tabs in this binder and they are labeled: Tests, Bell ringers, and Presentations. I could very well use this tech by speeding up the lesson plan process.  Because its shared, I can have co0llaboration with my peers on what they like about the test, how can I improve on the profession, or even what they dislike. Live binder
could allow the students to see pr ivied items for have the skill of using the tools provided them in the school system.  This would allow the student to enhance their career readiness.  One way I thought they could use this tool would be that they could have access to certain binders that showed them the copyright laws and creative commons of something and the importance of your own work.

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